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Monday, March 7, 2016

17 Weeks Baby Rials 2.0

This weekend I turned 18 weeks, so I'll be discussing our 17th week with this babe! 

Baby: about the size of your palm, an onion, or an apple. Weighing in at 5.9 ounces, and 5.1 inches long, this babe has gained almost 2.5 ounces in the past week!  Baby's rubbery cartilage is turning into bone, putting on some fat, and growing a stronger thicker umbilical cord too. 

Baby can hear my heartbeat and the sound of my voice as it resonates throughout my body, kidneys are creating urine, and liver is producing bile. 

Mama: This is the best I've felt my whole pregnancy! My hips are still bugging me, but I started a new program called PiYo and as long as I get a workout in I feel great. 

I'm fitting into my bigger clothes I bought after having Charlotte, but finding maternity clothes most comfortable.

I'm continuing to crave fruit but wanting salads more and more, especially Caesar salads! And I am NOT a salad person. 

Physical Health: Like I mentioned above I started a program called PiYo this week. This was the first workout program I did after having Charlotte and it's just what my body needs right now. 

It's a 60 day program, Pilates and yoga inspired workouts that are high intensity but low impact. I'm getting my much needed stretching in, but still strengthening without needing weights. 

Chalotte and I also met up with a few coaches frim my team and their children at the zoo on Wednesday.  So I pulled three 30+ pound toddlers around in a wagon for 4 hours which was no small task!

Mental/Emotional Health: feeling this little one kick inside me is one of the most amazing feelings on earth. With my introduction of PiYo and prenatal yoga I'm feeling more and more connected to this baby every day. 

I've been orecticing mindful meditation when I wake up each morning. Placing one hand on my heart, the other on my belly and setting my intentions for the day. It has helped me stay present in this pregnancy so much more and I'm loving it. 

Can't wait to tell you all about my trip to SD this past weekend! It was amazing 💕

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