Today I turned 17 weeks, so I'll be discussing our 16th week with this babe!
Baby: Size of a avocado, weighing in at 3.5 ounces, and 4.6 inches long. Baby can hear my voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in his or her ears. Baby's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows, and forming taste buds
Mama: Feeling good! My hips and back were achy this week, but some prenatal yoga helped with that. I'm "fitting" into my pre-pregnancy clothes still with the help of hair ties to hold buttons together and I've introduced the belly band. Craving cold, juicy fruit especially mangos... and ice cream ;)
Physical Health: I got a few workouts in this week. Chalotte and I met a few friends at the zoo on Wednesday. So I pulled two 30+ pound toddlers around in a wagon for 4 hours which was no small task!
I did a Beachbody OnDemand workout (which is like Netflix where you're able to stream from any device, but workout videos instead of movies) from Yoga Booty Ballet: Baby On The Way. I actually REALLY liked this workout! It incorporates yoga, ballet, and sculpting moves; fast paced and fun. I also did this Prenatal Yoga video from YouTube. I'm going to try out a few different ones and decide which I like best.
My plan for March is to clean up my eating habits with my clean eating challenge starting Feb. 29, and then start 21 Day Fix again with modifications when I return from SD March 7. I'll be adding 300 additional calories when calculating my bracket for my container count.
Mental/Emotional Health: I have had a really great week emotionally. I actually told my husband I'm anxious for the baby to get here... in a good way :) I want to meet this little one, nurse, hold, love on. I can't wait to see how Charlotte is with the baby. I know she'll be a little mother hen and pretend like the baby is her own... so we'll have to see how that goes.
I'm in a REALLY GOOD place with this pregnancy right now. Trying very hard to focus on the here and now and not get too caught up in the future/unknown. That's where my anxiety likes to hide.
I've been nesting ALREADY! We bought a few new cube cabinets to surround our TV in our living room. I'll post pics next week. They have storage bins for me to put some of the baby toys, diapers, etc. Bought a few newborn diapers at Target too... they're SO TINY!!
Anyhow, here are a few more pics from the week. Check out my IG account @tessrials for more detail on these.
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