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Sunday, April 13, 2014

39 Weeks: "Patiently" Waiting

Well 39 weeks has come and gone and tomorrow is the baby's due date.  We had a doctor's appointment on Friday and have progressed to 2 cm dilated.  I am so grateful I have progressed!!!  Seems like walking and bouncing on the physioball is doing something.

I will say I wasn't quite happy with how our appointment went.  As she was checking me she asks, "Do you want me to swirl my finger around, or get outta there?"


First of all I have no idea what you're talking about, and second, this is totally GET OUTTA THERE!

So after she finishes checking me, I asked what she meant by, "swirl my finger around."  She explained what she meant was if I wanted her to strip my membranes.  What does that mean??? 

***Continue reading if you're so inclined, if you don't want to read the details of pregnancy skip on down a couple of paragraphs***

Stripping of the membranes is a way to attempt to induce (start) labor.  In this procedure, the doctor will use a gloved finger to gently separate the amniotic sac from the wall of the uterus. This releases hormones that can trigger contractions.  It can be uncomfortable (painful from testimonials I have read).  I'm having trouble finding reliable statistics on the effectiveness of stripping the membranes in assisting with inducing labor, but from what I've found so far, it only works about 50% of the time.  In addition, the more I research, if you're Group B Strep + you should not have your membranes stripped as this could increase the baby's chance of infection (although the CDC says there is no data to support this yet).

So, I was not warned or asked prior to my doctor checking me if I wanted the procedure done, nor was there any discussion regarding me being GBS + and the risk involved with stripping my membranes.  Needless to say, my next appointment I will most definitely be bringing this up!

I've been feeling much more tired the last couple of days, taking 2-3 hour naps each day.  My feet and ankles have really started to swell up and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get rid of it.  Baby is continuing to try and move around in there.  When I'm in the tub relaxing with the music on seems to be this little one's favorite time to try out new dance moves.

At this point, although I am more then ready to have this baby, I feel as though this little one will come when the time is right; and although I'm uncomfortable I should not rush the timeline this baby has.  Our next appointment is Wednesday, I'll be 40 weeks and a couple of day and we'll reevaluate at that point.

In other news, I went to the fire department and had our car seat checked.  Jeremy installed it correctly behind the drivers seat, but in fact, the safest spot is in the center back seat.  We initially installed it behind the drivers seat because that's where the hooks were to strap the base in, rather than using the seat belt.  But the lady explained that even though we'd be using the seat belt in the center spot, it was still safer then behind the drivers seat.  She also scolded me about using these cute owl strap covers that my mom had purchased and the mirror to see the baby in while driving.  She explained we should not use anything in the car seat that did not already come with it, and in regards to the mirror, she explained that in an accident it could become dislodged and fly at the baby and cause additional injuries.  So, all in all, I'm glad I went and now know exactly how to install our car seat.

Jeremy and I spent all weekend continuing to prep for baby.  We made a Costco run and are stocked up for months on toilet paper and paper towels.  We also bought more than enough cat food and cleaned their areas up so we won't have to worry about that once the babe is here.  We did some relaxing too and watched movies and laid in bed for hours.  I'm trying to really soak up this alone time with my husband knowing any day now it won't be the two of us any more (yes I'm tearing up just thinking about that).  He is continuing to support me unconditionally, holding me while I cry for no apparent reason, and jump at my many foodie demands.  If being pregnant hasn't made me fall in love with him more every day, I can't even begin to imagine what seeing him as a father will do. 

Fingers crossed my next post will be baby's birth story!  Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog and can't wait till you write about your baby! So glad Jeremy is so awesome to you and I'm sure he's going to be an amazing daddy. Best wishes for a no problem delivery and a healthy baby!
