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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

31 Weeks, Valentine's day, and a very special surprise

First, I must say, this is the last time I'll be wearing this shirt!  Honestly didn't think you could grow out of maternity shirts, but I was wrong haha. 

We are at 31 weeks and baby Rials is the size of a pineapple.  All five of baby's senses are fully developed, and major brain and nerve development is happening.  Irises are also now reacting to light. Lots and lots of movement!  From kicking, to somersaults, and hiccups, there is a lot going on in there!

I'm continuing to feel pretty good.  Getting around is a bit more difficult, definitely feel like my lungs are crowded.  Pregnancy brain is in full force, which is not so good when I'm trying to get good grades in school, and have conversations with people!  Trying to limit my water intake at night (increasing during the day) to avoid waking up 5 times a night to use the bathroom.  Definitely eating healthier due to my 21 day challenge of no fast food (although I did have In-N-Out Burger once), but still having difficulty getting the energy and motivation to workout.

I've also started to notice that my feet are beginning to swell.  I'm getting lines from my flip flops and all I can think of is that image of Kim Kardashian's feet when she was pregnant:

Yikes right?!  Okay, mine don't look ANYTHING like this, I promise, but fingers crossed it doesn't get to this point!

And now for the special surprise...  my brother got engaged this weekend!!!  We are so incredibly happy him and Sam, we love her as though she's already a Bowden.  We had mimosas to celebrate the occasion, mine of course a mocktail made with sparkling cider.

We have a doctor's appointment coming up next week, 8 months!!

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