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Friday, May 31, 2013

The Beginning


No time like the present!  Just finished watching Eat. Pray. Love. and watched a YouTube video of Elizabeth Gilbert talking about how to continue to be creative after writing such a successful book.

And got me much I miss actual writing.

In high school my friends and I had notebooks that we would exchange with eachother, you know those black and white composition books, and we would endlessly decorate each page.  Carrying around a pencil box full of markers, all sizes and colors, waiting in complete anticipation of getting the notebook back and writing the latest "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN 5TH HOUR!" moment.

I filled out four birthday cards today...May will forever be the best and worst month for birthdays.
Best:  Duh, my birthday is in May
Worst: I have to share that month of birthday's with EVERYONE else in the world it seems

Anyhow, I loved actually writing with an actual pen on actual paper. I want to write a blog, or just journal so that I can FEEL that pen and paper in my hands.  Solution: write down ideas in the journal...then blog.  GENIUS!

So, here I sit, where to start...

Well, it's all in the name I guess "Raising Rials"

Emotional just thinking about the possibility of a little someone possibly growing inside me.  And TOTALLY weird-ed out by the fact that I might actually have a tiny human growing inside me. AHHHHHH! (feel as though I'm overusing the  Okay, don't have to tell me twice ;))

A little history:

Jeremy and I will celebrate our one year anniversary in...countdown...16 DAYS!  Wow (which does not adequately describe my complete dumbfoundedness-new word) where did that year go?  Celebrating more weddings, parties, honeymooning, and milestone birthdays I guess.

So, what better time then the present to start expanding our little family?

This is officially our first month of trying, my second month off of birth control (which I have been on all of my adult life, nearly totaling 13 years).  First thing I have noticed...where the hell did all these emotions come from?!?!  I thought I was experiencing PMS before, but let me tell you...I have to keep a box of tissue around me at all times because at any given moment my lids may start to fill with those salty little drops.  AND/OR I might just bite Jeremy's head off for touching me.  Poor guy

I am having difficulty with my "live in the moment" mantra.  You're whole adult life you try and prevent such a thing from happening.  Then, once you finally decide {This is the right time} you have to wait two weeks to find out if the little swimmers have reached their goal...DYING IN ANTICIPATION (like how I worked in that saying here from earlier in the blog...I know what I'm doing blog world!)

So, the waiting game continues.  Not to mention that my cycle isn't regular since coming off birth control, so I may have to wait up to 3 weeks.  Do you know how many glasses of wine that is?!

I'm trying desperately hard not to be anxious, take my prenatal vitamins and omega-3's, exercise and eat a cleaner diet.  Keep you posted on the progress...

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