Well....it's obviously been awhile. I feel like this baby belly showed up out of nowhere! The past month has been a roller coaster and I will do a blog update with all missed chalkboards later on in December when I have a chance to.
This weekend we went down to Sierra Vista to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family (The Bowden's). My parents were there, with Jeremy and I, and my brother Travis and his girlfriend Sam. My mom had a funeral to attend Saturday morning, so Travis and I did the majority of the prep. As dinner time quickly came upon us, I had a pregnant hormonal breakdown and cried in the bathroom with Jeremy. Only one of many to come, I'm sure. He calmed me down and we proceeded to have a wonderful dinner with my family.
My dad started a new tradition where he picks a poem to read at the start of dinner. A little background, he is a published poet, and he was very excited to start this new tradition. I'll have to update later with the title and author of the poem, but it was beautiful, and I loved looking around at the table at our family so intensely listening to his words.
School update: only two and a half weeks to go!!! I'm so incredibly ready for a break, and have put A LOT of work into this semester. I'm ready to start organizing this house to get ready for baby, shopping and decorating for Christmas, spending more time with family and friends, and catching up on some reading.
Baby update: We have our 20 week check up this Wednesday. I'm so curious to see what my stats are and hear the baby's heartbeat. As of our last appointment, I had gained 10 pounds...we'll see what the scale says Wednesday. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous! We had an ultrasound two weeks ago, I'll post pics and an update on that wonderful experience in a few weeks. Baby is the size of a Mango. At the ultrasound the heartbeat was 160 (average is 150), only Jeremy knows if it's a boy or girl. I'm still feeling like this little baby is a boy. We have come up with quite a few girl names...but NO boy names. Why is naming your child so difficult??? The baby is kicking and I can feel it almost every day. The kicking continues to feel like bubbles popping to me, but more like bubble gum bubbles rather than bubbles from a bottle that kids blow (if that makes sense).
Sorry again about my delay in posts, trying to get better at scheduling it in. See you in a week!
Chalkboard art courtesy of Tanya Byrne |